Wednesday, December 8, 2010

This Day in 17LD History - 1775

"War Office 8th December 1775
I herewith return to you the several Invoices of Medicines and Materials which have been furnished for the use of the Forces ordered abroad; as also for the Hospitals and Garrisons mentioned in the Margin hereof, during the course of the present year; and to acquaint you that His Majesty approves of what you have done.

I am Sir &c.

Apothecary General"

[In Margin:]  17th. Regt. Light Dragoons
35th. 49th. 63d. 22d. 40th. 44th. 45th. 15th. 37th. 53d. 54th. 57th. 17th. 27th. 55th. 28th. 46th. & 33d. Regts. of Foot Augmentation to 51st & 61st Regiments of Foot Hospitals at Senegal, Boston, Grenada, Dominica, St Vincent, Tobago 14th Foot at St. Augustin, Garrison of Gibraltar.

(SOURCE:   Great Britain, Public Record Office, War Office, Class 4, Volume 95, Page 185)