Monday, November 29, 2010

This Day in 17LD History - 1775

Methods proposed by the following Corps for supplying their officers with Camp Equipage, and their men with necessaries for the ensuing Campaign

Boston 29th, November 1775

Regiments                 Camp Equipage for Officers
17 Drags                     Provided                                    

Necessaries for the Men
Captain Nedham who is gone to England is to provide them

[Microfilm Collection of the David Library. Film 19, Reel 1. WO 36/03]
Page 12.

Return of Drivers, Horses & Wagons furnished by Brigadier General William Dalrymple Quarter Master General to the Army in North America in the District of New York by order of His Excellency the Commander in Chief for the General & Staff Officers and several Corps of the Army Between the 1st of October & 31st December 1780 inclusive.

Distribution                                        Drivers            Horses            Wagons

17th Regiment Light Dragoons                   17                    14                         7

[Microfilm Collection of the David Library. Film 19, Reel 1. WO 36/03]
Page 50.