"War Office, 29th January 1776
Lord Barrington to General Howe
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Letters of the 12th and 13th of December, with the papers enclosed, and to acquaint you that the promotions recommended in the former have been confirmed by His Majesty, who likewise approves of the leaves of absence you have thought proper to grant.
I am to inform you that Brigadier Robertson of the 16th Regiment is appointed Colonel of the 2d Battalion of Royal Americans in the room of Major Haldimand promoted, and Brigadier Jones of the 52d is made Colonel of 62d Regiment, vice Strode, deceased.
Enclosed you will receive the Extract of a Letter from Major General Campbell of the 35th Regiment which has induced His Majesty to prolong Captain Drew's leave of absence to the latter end of May.
The King having been pleased to direct that the Regiments mentioned in the Margin shall embark the first or second Week of March for North America, I have the honor to acquaint you therewith, and that they are to embark according to the Establishment of 677 each /including Officers/ with Tents and Camp Necessaries compleat [sic]. It is likewise intended that each of the said Battalions shall have two additional Companies to remain at home for the purpose of recruiting.
His Majesty has also thought proper to direct that One Cornet, One Serjeant, two Corporals and thirty private Men dismounted shall be added to each of the Troops of the 16th and 17th Regiments of Light Dragoons; and that the said augmented numbers shall be sent out to North America at the same time as the 16th Regiment, and the remount Horses of the 17th.
I am further to inform you it is proposed to send out the Recruits for the Regiments under your Command, in Detachments, as occasion may require on board Victualling [sic] Transports &c as a Guard for the protection of the said Vessels, and that a Detachment of Recruits for the 6th Regiment consisting of about 30 Men, Non Commissioned Officers included, under the Command of two Subalterns has been accordingly ordered to embark on board the Renown [sic] Hays. You will be pleased to give such directions as you may think proper relative to these Recruits and any other Detachments which shall arrive in North America at places where their Regiments may not at that time be stationed.
3d Foot Amherst's,
9th Ligonier's
11th A'Court Ashe's
20th Parker's
24th Tayler's [sic]
34th Cavendishe's
53d Eliphinstoric's
62d Jones's
I have the honor to be Sir, Your most obedient and Most humble Servant. Barrington
Hon[ora]ble Major General Howe, &c &c &c
3d Foot Amherst's,
9th Ligonier's
11th A'Court Ashe's
20th Parker's
24th Tayler's [sic]
34th Cavendishe's
53d Eliphinstoric's
62d Jones's
I have the honor to be Sir, Your most obedient and Most humble Servant. Barrington
Hon[ora]ble Major General Howe, &c &c &c
[Source: British Headquarters Papers, Micro film Collection, The David Library of the American Revolution. Item No. 114 (1-2).]