Saturday, January 8, 2011

W:0:  8th. Janry 1776


H:  M:  having been pleased to order the 16th  (or Queen's) Regt. of (light) Dragoons, commanded by Major General Burgoyne,  & the  17th.  Regt. of (light) Dragoons, commanded by Major  General Preston,  to be augmented with One Serjeant, Two Corporals  &  30 private  Men  dismounted, to each Troop, & that the  said  Augmn. shall  take  place on the Establishment from the 25th of  Deer last, I am to commanded to signify to [you] H: M: P: that you  do forthwith  summon  a  Board of General Officers  to  inspect  the Patterns  that will be exhibited, and do every thing  else  which may be necessary that the Cloathing &  Accoutrements for the said Augmn. may be immediately provided.

I am Sir &c.


Thos. Fauquier Esqr.

SOURCE:   Great Britain, Public Record Office, War Office, Class 4, Volume 95, Page 352.