Tuesday, January 11, 2011

War Office 11th January 1777

I have the honor to acquaint you His Majesty has been pleased to order that you do forthwith provide fifty Horses in order to complete [sic] the 16th /or Queen's/ Regiment of Light Dragoons under your Command serving in No. America.
You will therefore be pleased to take the necessary Steps hereupon without delay.  You will be made acquainted with further Particulars respecting the time and mode of their going to No. America.
The number above stated rather exceeds the number of Horses wanting according to the latest returns, but I am to add it is thought proper to make some provision against Casualties previous to, and during the Voyage.
I have the honor to be
Major Genl. Burgoyne                                                                       Sir &c
[Colonel of the 16th Regiment]                                                    Barrington

Like Letter, of same date to Major General Preston to provided 50 Horses for the 17th Regiment of Light Dragoons.

Source: P.R.O., W.O. 4/98, #503.  Microfilm Collection of the David Library of the American Revolution.  Transcribed by Gilbert Riddle.